Ben Millar Cole is a photographer and AI collaborative artist who works across portraiture, constructed and studio-based genres, seeking out play and humour in the everyday.

Hoods Pausing, Tender Roles, Milar Cole's latest project, is part of Computers Can’t Jump, an ongoing and multifaceted experiment in which Ben harnesses a Recurrent Neural Network to create machine-generated collections of words from a dataset of more than 16,000 sound effects. The resulting strange linguistic sequences become titles, from which starting points the artist seeks out myriad new possibilities within photographic abstraction. It has been selected by Fellowship for inclusion in their Post Photographic Perspectives collection, and at the Californian Museum of Photography for their exhibition Every Day We Have to Invent the Reality of This World: AI Post Photography.

Millar Cole is the recipient of the Wallpaper* AI-Generated Design Award 2023. Photomonitor and Altered States magazine recently featured Millar Cole’s Rip-Off - a psychosocial performance exploring identity, featuring a singular character - a puritanical, prize-fighting, gold-toothed employee gone gonzo.