‘everything is runined

we're domed
nogthing can save us
we’re all going to die’

‘on one hand
who cares
and in the
other hand
so what’

‘Art is a way of survivel.
fashion sport
ther your’

These slogans, as well as the exhibition’s title so many cares, were found emblazoned on clothing and are taken from Shanzhai Lyric’s archive of poetry-garments. The fragmentary language speaks to conflicting emotions about the state of the world and our place within it. Living with cognitive dissonance is for many of us part of being alive in this alarming moment in history, and this exhibition addresses symptomatic feelings of confusion, responsibility, privilege, ambivalence and irony. Through a sparse poetry and an attentiveness to cultural discards of the global marketplace, the artworks in so many cares offer a deeper look into the dynamics of contemporary life, shaped by misguided notions of growth, accumulation and progress. Each artist in so many cares finds poetics within the materiality of everyday life, resisting and rewriting the destructive forces of consumption and global circulation. One extra care at a time.


Exhibiting artists: Callum Eaton,  Débora Delmar, Helen Clarke, Megan Plunkett, Ryan Gander and Shanzhai Lyric. 


The exhibition is curated by Andrew Price and Lucy Cowling.