Shaan Bevan typically draws detailed seascapes that’re often quite turbulent as they were intended to mirror the internal state of her body when she was undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She made one drawing for each level of the Beaufort scale, attempting to capture the power of the wind and equate that with a body in revolt. At one stage during Shaan’s treatment, she had so many chemicals in her body that her urine was considered a biohazard - since she has been in remission she has been reclaiming these chemicals in various ways, staining the materials she works with.


"Shaan Bevan began making large-scaled, detailed drawings of the sea when she was undergoing treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, during which time she had so many chemicals in her body that her urine was considered a biohazard; a paradoxically healing toxicity. Initially, these drawings offered both an escape from and representation of her interior physical and psychological turmoil, suggesting a porous fluidity between inner and outer geographies."

[Excerpt from 'Meeting Points Within This Elemental Mesh', an essay by Anna Souter]